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James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Award


$2,500 for up to 6 Indigenous students
- closes July 1







- Indigenous youth (self-identify)
- 18 years of age or under
- have consent from your parent/legal guardian (if you’re under 18)
- be a resident of Ontario
- submit an original creative writing piece that has not in any part been copied from any source
- The award will have 3 categories: fly-in community, on-reserve and off-reserve
- a recipient will be chosen from each category


- Create an account (or sign in for returning users) on the Ontario Honours and Awards Portal.
- Submit your application through the portal. If you’re under 18, you’ll need a parent/legal guardian to help you with the declaration section.
- your parent/legal guardian’s contact information
- your school name and address
- original creative writing piece, short story, poem, essay, play, song or comic strips (accepted in these formats: doc, docx, pdf, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, txt. The maximum file size is 2MB)
- brief description about your creative writing piece, which may include what inspired you and what it means to you
- all materials must be submitted unbound (no staples), single sided and in 8.5" x 11" (letter size) format


Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat
Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism
438 University Avenue
6th floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2K8
Phone: 416-314-7526
Email: ontariohonoursandawards@ontario.ca