Student Voice


The DSBN's second equity conference, Rise Up - Students Leading the Change, was a transformative event held on April 30th, uniting secondary students from all corners of the DSBN to tackle issues of inequity head-on. With a diverse attendance of 240 students, 16 staff advisors, and 21 support staff representing all 16 secondary schools, the conference provided an engaging platform for dialogue, learning, and collaboration. Students engaged in small group sessions led by experienced facilitators, delving into crucial topics such as anti-racism, embracing differences, human rights advocacy, and creating inclusive spaces. The day also featured immersive experiences like community mingling, a speaker's corner, and mindful art and dance, culminating in a whole group session focused on action planning to foster a more inclusive and welcoming school environment.

At the heart of the conference was the empowerment of students to become catalysts for change within their schools and communities. Beginning with a Haudenosaunee opening and a keynote address emphasizing empathy and empowerment, students were encouraged to shed mental burdens, embrace diversity, and envision a more inclusive future. The event not only provided a space for learning and self-reflection, it also facilitated networking and collaboration among students, reinforcing the idea that every individual has the agency to inspire and lead meaningful change. The conference's success lay in its ability to ignite passion, foster understanding, and equip students with the tools and inspiration needed to address inequities and champion inclusivity in their educational journey and beyond.