Mr H's Artisan Card Contest

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DSBN Director of Education Warren Hoshizaki, known as Mr. H in schools, created artisan cards as a way for students to showcase their skills and creativity.  

What's an Artisan Card?

DSBN Artisan Cards celebrate all the special occasions, events, and times of year that are important to students. Let your imagination run wild and create artwork to celebrate a month of the year and what makes it special.

For inspiration, take a look at our
Days of Significance Calendar.

How do I enter?


• Take a clear photo or scan of your artwork and consent form and email them to


• Create your artwork. It can be any medium, digital, sculpture and traditional drawings and paintings 
• Bring it to your school along with a signed consent form

Download Consent Form

What happens if I win?

Mr. H is a big believer in celebrating successes big and small. Students whose artwork is chosen to become an Artisan Card will be recognized at a Board meeting on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 to be congratulated by Mr. H and the Board of Trustees. You will also recieve a certificate and a package of printed cards featuring your winning artwork.

Deadline: Friday, November 3, 2023

Submission Criteria:

All artwork must include a signed consent form (below)

Submissions must be original DSBN student work

Please note: Due to the volume of submissions, only winning entries will be returned

Student Recognition:

Students will receive a special certificate and set of printed notecards featuring their artwork that include their name, grade and school.

Students and their families are invited to attend a meeting of the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 where they will be recognized.

Take a look at some
previous winning art!

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Asset 103x

Asset 93x

Asset 113x

Asset 83x