Prince Philip Gets Face Time with Social Media Expert

Mar 05, 2012

March 5, 2012                                                                                      

Prince Philip Gets "Face" Time with Social Media Expert 

Prince Philip Public School students and parents will be getting a crash course in internet safety on Wednesday, March 5, when recognized social media authority Paul Davis presents at the Niagara Falls school. Davis, who has presented to more than 75,000 students and parents, will support families with strategies to effectively protect their privacy and promote positive experiences online using social media.

“From Facebook to Twitter, You Tube and many others, social media has become an increasingly popular way for students to communicate, collaborate and share information with one another,” says Mario Zeoli, Principal. “As more and more students take advantage of these online tools, it is important that they understand how to do so responsibly and safely.”

“We’re looking forward to this session, which will also provide parents with support, tools and tips to effectively manage their own presence on social media and become more aware of their children’s online activities,” adds Zeoli.

The presentation is scheduled to take place from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday evening.

For more information about Paul Davis, please visit