DSBN Students Taking Care of Business

Feb 07, 2014

February 7, 2014                                                                                               


DSBN Students Taking Care of Business


More than 50 DSBN secondary school students will head to Toronto this weekend to take part in the DECA Provincial Competition. The students from A.N. Myer, E.L. Crossley and Westlane Secondary all earned the right to compete at the provincials at the regional event held last November. 


The competition will involve close to 5000 students from across Ontario who will compete in Finance, Marketing, Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Travel and Tourism, and Hospitality. On Monday, students will compete individually or in teams by preparing a case study presentation. Tuesday begins with a 100 question multiple choice test, and students who have prepared a written business proposal will present their work to the judges.  


Students who finish in the top ten within their category will head to International Career Development Conference (ICDC) held in Atlanta, GA in early May.   


“This event will provide students with an opportunity to further develop their leadership, teamwork and communication skills while earning valuable experience working alongside students from all over Ontario,” said Connie Dove, DSBN Business Studies Subject Council Chair.  


DECA is a not-for-profit organization created to enhance the business education of high school students in Canada. DECA has over 200,000 student members worldwide. For more information, please visit the DECA website at