Five Year Period Reveals Upward Trend in Student Success
Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) released results of the
Grade 9 math assessments written by students in the 2014-15 school year.
78% of students taking Academic courses met or exceeded the provincial
standard, which is a 3 percentage point decline from the previous year’s
results. However, the five year trend shows that success rates for students
enrolled in Academic courses increased 5 points over the 2010-11 results.
taking Applied courses increased their success rate 1 point over the 2013-14
results, and 9 percentage points over the 2010-11 results. Overall, 45% of students
in Applied courses students met or exceeded the provincial standard on the
provincial standard is measured as Level 3 on a 4 point scale, which is roughly
equivalent to a ‘B’ grade.
McGregor, DSBN Superintendent of Education, said the DSBN recognizes that math is
an area of concern across the province and has directed additional resources over
the years to support student learning in this critical area. “While there may
be fluctuations in the success rates from year to year, we are very encouraged
that results over the long term continue to trend upward. It is the result of
hard work by students and staff alike,” said McGregor.
“While the
results of the EQAO give us important information about overall trends, it is
important to recognize that all students are individuals with their own
strengths and needs,” said Warren Hoshizaki, DSBN Director of Education. “We
are very proud of our dedicated teachers who work diligently to support the unique
needs of each student to help them become successful in school.”
This year’s
release is somewhat different in years past as there are no provincial results
available. This is due to labour action which prevented students at several
school boards from participating.