DSBN Honoured for Dedication to Critical Thinking

Jun 18, 2019

From students through to superintendents and the director, the entire District School Board of Niagara is being recognized for its dedication to critical thinking. On June 19, the DSBN will be presented with the LB Daniels award at the Critical Thinking Consortium’s (TC2) annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia.

It is the first time in the organization’s 25-year history that it will present the award to an entire school district. In an email to DSBN Director Warren Hoshizaki, TC2 Executive Director Usha James wrote that “we can think of no better recipient than the District School Board of Niagara in which so many leaders have demonstrated a long-term and deep commitment to nurturing high quality thinking in all learners.”

DSBN Chair Sue Barnett said the board is honoured to receive the award. “I have often said that we are preparing students for jobs that don’t even exist yet. The economy of tomorrow will depend on people with the ability to analyze information and develop solutions to complex problems. One way we do this is through the promotion of critical thinking skills. We are very proud of all staff at the DSBN and congratulate them for the creative ways in which they support student success,” said Barnett.

“I can’t say enough about the professionalism, expertise, and passion of all staff at the DSBN. This award is truly the result of their dedication to serving students. Thanks to them, our schools are places where students engage in unique learning experiences that promote active learning, creativity, and problem solving,” said Hoshizaki.

The award is named after LeRoi B. Daniels, a founding member of TC2. The organization created the award to honour Dr. Daniels’ contribution to the understanding and implementation of critical thinking throughout his career.

For more information about TC2, visit