Online Art Show Captures Creative Spirit during COVID-19

Jun 11, 2020

COVID-19 can’t stop creativity at the DSBN.

Secondary visual arts students brought their artistic talents online by hosting the DSBN’s first-ever virtual art show opening for their peers, families, and staff on May 27, 2020. The online Art@Home event showcased innovative artwork of all kinds that came in from DSBN secondary schools across the Niagara region. Students illustrated their inspiration through paintings, photography, digital work, drawings, multimedia and much more. 

Shamera Chatheechan, a Grade 11 from Westlane Secondary School in Niagara Falls, was a key student in bringing the online art show to life. Along with three other students, she emceed the event, and she curated the artwork by choosing just one piece to be highlighted from each school. 

“Art is a form of expression with no right or wrong way of doing, and that’s why it lets me connect with my feelings,” said Shamera. “Especially during this quarantine period, art has been my best stress reliever.”

Art has been a powerful outlet for all of the students who submitted their artwork during the school closures. In fact, the Art@Home project was never intended to be a formal event. What began as a way to capture the creative spirit from visual arts students while they dealt with the challenges of learning from home, quickly turned into nearly 100 original works of art from students across the DSBN.

Even though times have been tough during COVID-19, students decided to band together to make the best of a difficult situation. They found an opportunity to be inspired, and to create something new. 

“The most enjoyable part about our online show was that we had the chance to collaborate with like-minded artists,” said Shamera. “It’s not every day that I get the chance to view the artwork of students from all over the DSBN; it was a great source of inspiration in my journey as an artist.”

You can admire Shamera’s artwork, Warrior Animal using watercolour, alongside other stunning pieces on the online Art@Home exhibit website by clicking here. Shamera and her peers hope their work helps spark inspiration for others to create some artwork of their own!