From the Director: An Update on September 2021

May 13, 2021

Dear DSBN families,

As we get closer to June, we are already planning for the 2021-2022 school year. As I shared with you in March, we remain committed to returning to in-person learning in September 2021. We believe this is best for students’ learning, mental health, and well-being.

A return to in-person means our students can be face-to-face with their teachers and peers for a full-day of learning, Monday to Friday. Students will be engaged in a wide array of curricular opportunities including hands-on and experiential learning.

It also means the return of extracurriculars including athletics, clubs, and other engaging activities. We will begin with outdoor opportunities and will make modifications to other activities to ensure they uphold necessary protocols directed by Niagara Region Public Health. Over time, schools will add to the complement of extracurricular offerings that students can participate in.

Our finalized plans for the 2021-2022 school year will be shared with families in mid-August to ensure we provide as much detailed information as possible. These plans will include information about your child’s school schedule, as well as health and safety protocols provided by Ministry of Education and Niagara Region Public Health. Remote learning options will be available for elementary and secondary students who require it. Parents will have an opportunity to communicate their children’s needs regarding remote learning in mid-August.

While we are making plans for a full return to in-person, full-day, everyday learning in September, we recognize that we will need to be ready to provide different options if circumstances pertaining to COVID-19 change. Should that happen, we will share information with DSBN families via our website, social media and through your child’s school.

For elementary students, the Virtual School will be closing at the end of June, and all students will be automatically registered in their home schools. 

We are looking forward to an in-person return to school in September 2021. Your school principal will provide further updates in the coming weeks. Until then, our schools and our staff are working hard to make the end of this school year as successful for your child as possible. We are hopeful that a return to in-person learning in late May/June will still be possible. 


Warren Hoshizaki

Director of Education