A Statement Regarding Ukraine

Feb 25, 2022

What we are witnessing unfold in Ukraine right now is deeply devastating. Watching what’s happening through the footage we are seeing is truly horrific, and makes it nearly unimaginable to think of what the millions of people in Ukraine are experiencing. At this moment, families are being forced to flee their homes to try to escape this unprovoked attack from Russia.

We support the people of Ukraine, and we are against this violent attack on their country, their people, and their livelihood. Our thoughts, and our hope, are with every person in Ukraine who is experiencing this tragedy. And our thoughts are also with you – staff, students, families and the community members in Niagara who are experiencing loss, fear, and uncertainty as this situation unfolds.

Early next week, our Equity and Mental Health teams will be providing DSBN staff and families with resources to support anyone who may be struggling during this difficult time.

Community Supports for Student Mental Health & Well-Being