Safe & Accepting Schools

Prevalent Medical Conditions

The DSBN recognizes the importance of promoting student health and safety and in fostering safe and healthy learning environments in which students learn. To promote the safety and well-being of students, the DSBN is committed to supporting students with prevalent medical conditions such as anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and other serious conditions. Supporting students with prevalent medical conditions requires a whole-school approach where education and community partners, including health partners have important roles to play.

In accordance with PPM 161, the DSBN has developed Policy G-40-Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Health Conditions to support students in school who have anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and other serious medical conditions.

If your child has a prevalent medical condition (Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes, and/or Epilepsy or others), you are asked to fill out a Plan of Care and Authorization of Provision of Medicine and submit to your child’s school. Please find the relevant forms below.


Resources for Families

FAQs - Please see responses to questions about supporting students with prevalent medical conditions.

What is the DSBN doing to support and keep students with prevalent medical conditions safe?

What is a Plan of Care?

What is my role as a parent/guardian/caregiver?

What is my child’s role?

What is the role of my child’s school?

Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Resource:

  • Ophea Video: Keeping Students with Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes, and/or Epilepsy Safe - Information for Parents and Guardians