Westlane Opens New Greenhouse

On Tuesday, December 13, at 11:00 a.m., Westlane Secondary hosted the opening of a state-of-the-art 2,000 square foot experimental greenhouse.

Board Chair Reelected, New Vice-Chair Elected

Dale Robinson, Trustee for Thorold and Pelham, has been reelected as Chair of the Board at the annual organizational meeting held on December 6, 2016.

Students Code Up a Storm

During Computer Science Education Week (Dec 5-11), students across the District School Board of Niagara blew past their goal of a collective one million minutes of code.

Open Houses Give Students a Chance to Say I Got This!

DSBN high schools opened their doors to thousands of students and their families across the region.

Cyberattack Forces Cancellation of OSSLT Test

On October 20, secondary students across Ontario took part in the pilot OSSLT online literacy assessment. However, technical difficulties forced the EQAO to cancel the test mid-day.

DSBN Installs First of Five Artificial Fields of Dreams

DSBN students and staff took the field in Fort Erie on Tuesday to mark the installation of the first of five synthetic turf fields at public secondary schools across Niagara.

Championing Ontario’s Crown Wards

School boards across Niagara are committed to the health, well-being and educational success of all students.

Skills Take Centre Stage in March

Eighteenth annual Technology Challenges begin week of March 1.

DSBN, CUPE Reach Tentative Local Agreement

Ratification is scheduled on or before May 1.

DSBN, CUPE Facility Services Reach Tentative Agreement

Ratification votes to take place by May 1.