Hydraulic Robotic Arms
Project Length: 1/2 day to start (see below)
Grade Level: 5-8
School Requirements: Provide a work area such as Learning Commons or . Classroom.
Materials and Technology: All materials and technology provided by DSBN Makers
Subject Areas: Math, Art, Science, Design
Project Description: Dive into the world of hydraulic power with a hands on building activity to support the science and technology curriculum. Student will gain an understanding of fluid power and its place in the world. We will take a co teaching approach to develop the understanding and skills needed to complete a syringe powered robotic arm. After the initial session the teacher will continue with the unit for approximately 5-6 hours. The DSBN makers can return for a culminating activity and evaluation session with the class.
To book this project for your classroom please follow the steps outlined in Make with Makers.