
                                                                      Climate Change Action 

Grade Level:  5-8

Unit Overview: . Powered by the popular BBC micro:bit, the Climate Action Kit is a robotic inventor's kit designed to introduce students to climate change issues in the context of their technology solutions aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  This project includes a complete biodiversity unit and culminates with an exciting design and build challenge.

Planning and Preparation:  Pre visit TEAMS Meeting to discuss the project.

Initial Training:  2- or 3 100-minute blocks

School Requirements:   Basic makerspace materials such as cardboard, tape, string, and tinfoil.

Materials and Technology:  We will provide all required materials for the training session.  After the training we will leave you with the Microbit kits, but classes will require the use of electronic devices ( Chromebook, iPad) for coding.

Subject Areas:  Math, Science, Art, Language


Taking It Further: Incorporate your new Microbit into other areas of your curriculum